Tuesday, January 17, 2017

2017 New Year, New Goals

I am back at work again in this new year of 2017. I had to take some time out for surgery and taking care of my hubbie who had surgery 1 week after I did, ugh, but I survived it all! I just quit smoking, yes, again but I am hoping this will be the last time so I can turn to making jewelry instead of lighting up again. I will have to work hard to get my followers back but hopefully I can count on you and the rest of my followers to send out links to my store, Mama's Got A Bead Box on Etsy.com. If you see an item you like, please send it to a friend. I certainly would appreciate anyone helping me to promote my shop by sending out links to any of my items you like. I will try to come up with a way to repay that kindness as well...

Friday, July 12, 2013


Announcing our SUMMER SALE STARTING TODAY!! Everything is on sale throughout July 31st so if there is something you have had your eye on then now is the time to buy! Follow this link to see what I have https://www.etsy.com/shop/royalflushsheri?ref=si_shop

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Time to get back to work

Well, we managed to have a beautiful wedding for our daughter and new son, along with that we remodeled practically our entire house too so there has been no time to work on my craft...until now!!

The house has just about finished, we only need a few more things but my time is mine again, well, almiost anyway. I have been ordering new gemstones and will be posting new items as soon as I ca.

Please look at my website and check it out. I LOVE to do custom oders too so if you have something in mind, write me an email and let's see if we can't get some gorgeous jewelry made just for you!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Back to Work...or trying...

Well, I was feeling like the fog was gone from my "so called" brain and I was really starting to get some great new ideas for necklaces and earrings. Everything seemed to be falling back in to place - and then I threw my back out...again! Don't ask me exactly what I did because I don't know, LOL all I know is when I tried to get out of bed Friday I had the worst sharp pain acrossd my low back.
Now, I have suffered from chronic back/leg pain for over 30 years, yes, most of my life, but this is a different type of pain! This is what I call "take my breath away" pain because that is what it does. The pain is new so it is VERY SHARP and literally takes my breath away everytime I even try to move...so work is back on hold and it is killing me just sitting here long enough to post this.

So, since I cannot sit right now, at least comfortably, I will sign off and post again when my back is better.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

One Year and still in business

Well, it's been one full year today since I opened my store on Etsy.com and I am still here. I really love creating new designs almost as much as I like shopping online, LOL. When Mike, my husband, was working in CA for 3 months last year I would work on new necklaces annd earring combinations all day long, sometimes even forgetting to eat! Now that's a diet I can follow!

If I can just find time to keep up these blogs, keep creating new things and take photos of my new designs, post them online and keep up with all my family duties along with Christmas shopping! Honestly, I don't know how some of these people manage to do all this and have more than one store online! They MUST have help, whereas, I am all on my own. That's OK, I am not complaining really, just more amazed at how they do it all but I think my disability slows me down because when the pain is really bad I have to stop everything and lie down. That's OK, just hang in there with me and keep coming back, please!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Thanks for visiting my Blog!

Today is the first day in my life that I ever even thought of posting my own blog. Hopefully I won't run out of interesting things to say here.

I want to say welcome and I hope you enjoy my blog. Please sign up to follow me here as well as on my Facebook Fan Page for Mama's Got A Bead Box. I hope you will visit my shop on Esty.com at http://www.etsy.com/shop/royalflushsheri

I am in the process of coming up with new items of jewelry for spring and Mother's Day which is May 9th this year. Yes, don't forget Dear Ole Mom on her special day...remember it is because of her that you are here today.